Donation Request Form
Welcome to the KCCC donations page. While we strive to always give back whenever we can, we're still a young company and cannot donate to all causes at this time. At this time our budget is limited and we had to make the decision to limit the organizations we support. At this time we will do our best to serve requests for Veteran, active duty and first responder organizations, as well as, donation requests from current customers. As we grow our goal is to always increase our giving.
We're also currently taking requests to be a part of our Give Back Ground Beef Program. If you have an organization who could benefit from Ground Beef please fill out the form and let us know!
If your request falls outside of the above, we see you and appreciate you! Thank you for spreading goodness and kindness into the world. If we are unable to donate to your cause please know we still wish you nothing but the best, and appreciate your efforts to make the world a better place. We firmly believe every little bit helps.
-The Wagyu Warriors